


·       Stale Tuscan bread, 400 gr
·       1 red onion
·       basil, a bunch
·       3 ripe tomatoes
·       1 cucumber
·       salt
·       pepper
·       vinegar
·       EX TERRA VIRES extra virgin olive oil


The process to prepare Panzenella is very simple: this recipe is often replicated in the summer because it is fresh and tasty to be presented to the guests even at the last minute.
To start you have to put the bread to soak in water for a few minutes so that it is soaked well. Then you will have to take the previously soaked bread, squeeze it with your hands and crumble it into small portions inside a salad bowl. At this point you will need to add the tomatoes cut into wedges, the cucumber into slices, the onion into rings, the basil chopped with your hands. At this point just season with salt, pepper vinegar to taste and extra virgin olive oil EX TERRA VIRES.
Let it rest in the fridge for a quarter of an hour and serve.